Marzell's Page

date: 1/2/2025
mood: sick 0_o
music: One Of THOSE Nights by The Cab
whatever: what is html...
It's been 4 days and I'm still testing positive for covid :( I just wanted to enjoy the holidays but noooo I'm stuck in my room all alone...
But in better news, I think I figured out how to get everything mostly functioning! Though I obviously don't have much to post yet, all the functions should be working. Shout out to all the super cool people with tutorials and templates that helped me make my crap look pretty!
I'll update whewn I have actual content to put up, like art or a game review :3 ttyl!!!!!!
Welcome 2 my page !!!

date: 1/1/2025
mood: hype!
music: paper chase by the academy is...
whatever: new years rez
Happy new years guyz!!! I'm super excited 4 this new year :) I'm hoping to change my life in a small big way if u know what i mean... I wanna change my life so much but also I love myself as I am right now! Less of a change, I want to further my enjoyment in the little things. To savor every day I spend getting to know my friends more than I already do, to enjoy how nice the weather is in my town, and how lucky I am to get to go to college for what I love. My life is amazing and there's so much value that we might not see, that I want to value.
So welcome to my blog!!! You can read more about me in my.. about me. But my goals this year is to not use any modern social media, and reconnect with tech as it was made to be used! To write and meet people through blogging, find a bunch of cool websites or maybe collect some indie games. It's really iffy with the weather where I live so not yet but I want to go on a walk every day! Well... depends on the weather and how I'm feeling but lets say almost every day? And my last resolution is kinda easy? but I want to be financially independent and more concoius with my spendingf by the end of the year! I still plan on living with my parnts until I switch college at the end of my sophmore year but I want to be more confident in my ability to thrive on my own, especially in this economy lol.
So if you see this, I hope you stick around to see how the big ol' 2025 treats me and what I do over the year!! Leave a comment on my guestbook or shoot me a message <3